The ritual of a cup of coffee is one of the most universal comforting pleasures. Preparing and cradling coffee helps bring some you-time or even time with others - yet for too long coffee has been seen to satisfy the thirst or give fuel. The coffee served at Best Days Vintage is on a mission to change that.

At CLO Coffee, we believe a good coffee drinking experience first starts with the people that grow the coffee cherries in their gardens. When we buy coffee, we work solely with local partners and local people to build thriving coffee-growing communities around the world. By caring from plant to cup, Linda, who roasts the beans in Leeds, England can ensure you’re set for a good coffee drinking experience to be remembered. And then it’s your turn. Sit, breathe, centre yourself and drink mindfully noticing all the flavours you might normally miss. Or try meeting someone new, get off your phone and say hey to the person next to you. Go and be present in this good coffee experience you have

Visit CLO Coffee's website HERE
Follow on instagram @clocoffee_