Nov 25, '20

An endless passion for music, for voices,
for discovery, for people, for life.

Most people are now familiar with the changes that have occurred in the music industry, particularly the changing role of major labels and the growth of streaming. It’s often a long path to securing a major label or publisher deal as the artist or band grows their skill set to succeed in the industry and several of the functions can be developed by the artists themselves.

get known

Artists and bands must progress their career themselves. Not only are they expected to write and play music, but they must have a strong social media following, release their own music and make live performances. The days of sending an EP to a major label and them signing you to a contract have gone. 

The UK music industry is a multi-billion-pound operation but often it is also difficult for young artists to afford the costs of self-promotion, production of recorded music and opportunities to perform. They gain little income from playing to fund their progression, often venues expect them to play for free or gain a share of ticket sales.
Get Known provides funded hands on help and experience with facilities and support for young artists.

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